There are a wide variety of ways to build your personal credit, however, when it comes to the fastest way to raising your credit score, the best way to do it is by becoming an authorized user.
Authorized User
Becoming an authorized user has been used by many people with poor or no credit to raise or establish their credit score. This process can boost your credit score almost instantly. There are two ways to become an authorized user. The first way to become an authorized user is by asking a trusted friend or family member to add you as an authorized user to one of their tradelines. A tradeline is just a technical term to describe any account on your credit report, such as a credit card.

How to Be Added as an Authorized User
A friend or family member can add you as an authorized user by calling their credit card company and requesting that you be added to their credit card as an authorized user. You’ll need to provide your friend or family member with personal information, including your name, address, and social security number. It is important to note that although this option is available, this process usually takes some time for the person you’re asking to actually agree to do it. The first reason is because you’ll have to go through the hassle of having to explain to the person why you need them to add you as an authorized user, which can also be a humbling experience simply because you’ll be allowing someone else to know about your financial issues.
The second way and by far the fastest and easiest way to do it is to go through a reputable tradeline company that sells tradelines to people who are looking to become an authorized user. The great thing about this option is that the tradeline company has already done all of the hard work for you by locating people who are willing to add you as an authorized user on their tradeline account for a fee – the fee is handled by the tradeline company. What’s even better is that when you go through a tradeline company, you can purchase not just one tradeline, but you can purchase multiple tradelines, thereby making you an authorized user for several good credit accounts.
Once you purchase the tradeline(s) the payment history of those tradelines will show up on your credit report. As a result, you’ll place yourself in a perfect position to raise your credit score, quickly and easily.
When you go through a reputable tradeline company that sells tradelines to people who are looking for the fastest way to raise their credit score; the tradeline you purchase will have a set term limit, meaning that the tradeline will be sold anywhere from a two to four-month term. Once that term has passed, you’ll have to either re-purchase the same tradeline, purchase a totally new tradeline, or the tradeline will begin showing as closed on your credit report once the tradeline owner informs his or her credit card company to remove you as an authorized user.
In conclusion, the fastest way to raise your credit score is by purchasing a tradeline.
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